Nelson’s Blog
Practical advice and guidance from God’s Word…
The Truth About the Truth, Part 3
Knowing the truth is more than just knowing facts and data. It is true that knowing accurate information about a variety of subjects that impact our lives can be a good thing. But the kind of truth that will set you free goes deeper. When Jesus said “. . . the truth will set you…
The Truth About the Truth, Part 2
Knowing the truth will set you free. And with our understanding of truth being set squarely in the realm of believing in Jesus—from the previous post—it is now time to go deeper into this. We need to define exactly what truth is. When Jesus said “ . . . the truth will set you free”…
The Truth About the Truth
Truth is great! And knowing the truth will always help you to make better informed decisions. Whatever it is or what subject you are dealing with…truth helps. Truth in lending. Truth in politics. Truth in advertising. People telling each other the truth. Even facing the truth within yourself, etc. But how many times have people…
Living The Good Life, Part 3
Praying and reading the Bible are two of the best ways to grow your relationship with God. Doing them will help you to live the good life. And using the Bible when you pray—doing both at the same time—can take it to another level. The Good Life and Using the Bible When We Pray Integrating…
Living The Good Life, Part 2
If you are a Christian and you look to the Bible for help in living the good life, you may still be missing out. Some level of emptiness, longing, and disappointment in life can be real—for all of us, even Christians. What’s the answer? Being intentional about growing in relationship with God. Praying Will Grow…
Living The Good Life, Part 1
How are things going for you in your life right now? Good? Not so good? For many of us, we can get caught up going through life so fast, trying to pay the bills, and getting things done, that we never have the time to slow down and think about how life could be different.…
Trusting God in Difficult Times
Trusting God in difficult times is the only way to go. Wherever you are in life or what you are going through, God knows about it. God cares about it. God can do something about it. The truth is, finding real help is as close as picking up a copy of the Bible—God’s Word—and start…
How to Study the Bible
Learning how to study the Bible is for everybody. Doing this will help us understand what it says and be able to use it in our lives. It’s real! It’s practical! And the truth is, we can easily learn how to study it. What is the Bible? When it comes to learning how to study…
How to Understand the Bible
Learning how to understand the Bible starts with knowing the whole story of Scripture. The Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). These are the first words written in the Bible. The last words written in the Bible are “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.…