Grow Your Faith Today…
Take these simple steps…
Building on a solid foundation…
If you are a believer, a Christian, then you have taken the necessary steps to turn to God in repentance and put your faith and your trust in Jesus Christ His Son for the forgiveness of your sins and for your salvation. The Bible says:
”…Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:13
You may have put your faith in Jesus a long time ago, perhaps as a child, as an adult, or maybe even recently. If you haven’t made that decision yet, or if you need to recommit your life to Jesus, you can do that here…
All things new and better
Those sins that were separating you from God have been taken out of the way. You have been created new. The Bible calls this being born again. You have relationship with God. You are adopted into the family of God – this makes God your Father. The Bible says:
“…See how great a love the Father has given us, that we would be called children of God; and in fact we are.”
1st John 3:1
Living on purpose
This also means that the Holy Spirit comes and dwells inside of you. This helps you live a new kind of life and walk out your faith. You have been saved for a purpose that God has been planning for you for your entire life. And you can count on God to be faithful and true and help you carry out that purpose. The Bible says:
“…He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:6
We recommend the following simple practices that will help you grow your faith…
Pray every day
Praying is talking to God. We recommend doing this in the morning if you can, because it will help you get aligned with God first thing at the start of your day. This means that you will be closer with Him throughout your day.
Read the Bible every day
Try to make it a habit to read the Bible before or after praying. We recommend reading at least one chapter per day, reading through individual books of the Bible. For example Matthew chapter one on day one, then Matthew chapter two the next day, and so on…
Go beyond just reading. Consider what is happening in the passage that you are reading, and what its saying. Think about how to apply what it says to your life and circumstances and what you’re going through, and what you may be able to share about the passage with someone else.
Go to church
Find a good church that preaches the Gospel, and believes in the Bible as God’s Word, and get involved there.
Be in relationship with other Christians
Talk with the pastors at your church, and Christian friends. Attend a small group weekly if they have one you can join. You will get strength from others as you live out our faith together.
Know that God is always there
Go throughout your day being consciously aware of God’s presence all the time. Pray to Him, seek Him, and listen for Him. This will help you to carry out your thoughts, actions, and behaviors in a way that is informed by your faith – as much as possible.
We need always to stay close to God, commit to His ways, and seek His understanding when dealing with life.
Learn more about the Bible
Two major sections, 66 individual writings, written by people who were moved by God over thousands of years, every piece of it linked by the common truth that God loves you, absolutely accurate in what it says, and much more…
We also recommend growing your faith by watching some videos
The preaching and teaching of Nelson Briggs is focused on connecting the truth of God’s Word to your life in meaningful ways…