Knowing the truth will set you free. And with our understanding of truth being set squarely in the realm of believing in Jesus—from the previous post—it is now time to go deeper into this. We need to define exactly what truth is. When Jesus said “ . . . the truth will set you free” He was pointing to something that is more than we expected it to be. We become free to have a better life. Free to know God at a deeper level… be a happier person, make better decisions, and more…
What is The Truth?
Let’s take a closer look at our passage of Scripture where Jesus talks about this:
“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” – John 8:31-32
What Jesus Wasn’t Talking About…
The truth is… Jesus wasn’t talking about politics, finance, economics, sports, and government programs and policies. He was not addressing the products and services of a particular company, K-12 and college curriculum resources, the real reasons behind the price of a gallon of gas, or the campaign promises of the latest candidates that are running for office. Jesus was obviously pointing to another idea that a lot of people are missing.
Why We Miss What Jesus is Saying About The Truth…
The reason why we miss what He was really saying about the truth is most likely because we are culturally conditioned to understand it a certain way. Face it, we are all influenced to some degree by:
- The preaching of the church where we attend
- Which speakers we listen to on the radio and podcasts
- Who we watch on TV and YouTube
- Our own education and the books we read
- Even our own experiences in life can play a part
So, what was Jesus saying?
How We Can Know the Truth…
In this passage of Scripture, the truth is Jesus is telling us that we need to believe in Him. And make no mistake about it, believing in Jesus is a multifaceted concept. Believing in Jesus first means to believe in who Jesus is, what He has done, what He is currently doing, and what He will do in the future. Let’s take a closer look at the first three…
- Question: Who is Jesus?
- Answer: Jesus is the Son of God. He has existed for all time past, and will always exist through all eternity.
- Question: What did Jesus Do?
- Answer: Jesus stepped out of heaven, came into the world, and was born a human being. Jesus never committed even one sin. He went to the cross and was crucified and died paying the price for the sins of the world, and was buried in a tomb. God raised Him from the dead on the the third day. He is our risen Savior, victorious over sin, death, and the grave.
- Question: What is Jesus currently doing?
- Answer: After God raised Him from the dead on the third day, Jesus spent about 40 days longer here on earth as a testimony of what had happened. He gave us instructions. And then He ascended (went back to) heaven where He is now. He is currently in heaven making constant intercession for all of us who believe in Him through the ages. That means He is supporting us and acting as an advocate in heaven on our behalf. He is thinking about us and helping to guide us and direct us. And Jesus is even praying for us.
This gets us part of the way there. We also need to believe in what Jesus is going to do in the future. Join me in the next post as I dive into this deeper, looking at the truth even more…
In the mean time, learn more about believing in Jesus and growing your faith, subscribe to my YouTube channel, hit me up on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and find more resources here.
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