Truth is great! And knowing the truth will always help you to make better informed decisions. Whatever it is or what subject you are dealing with…truth helps. Truth in lending. Truth in politics. Truth in advertising. People telling each other the truth. Even facing the truth within yourself, etc. But how many times have people quoted that passage in the Bible where Jesus says “ . . . the truth will set you free” and have taken it out of context? Perhaps they have done this to prove a point. Maybe it’s to win an argument, or even to make themselves appear to be telling the truth?
Will the Truth Really Set You Free?
The implication when someone says “. . . the truth will set you free” is that if you know the truth about something, then it is somehow going to be able to set you free. Put simply, this line of thinking says this: Knowing the truth will bring you to the point where you are free, only because you know the truth about something.
Honestly speaking, the passage of Scripture where Jesus talks about this has nothing to do with that. For example, you will be no more free if you know the truth about something than if you correctly know the truth about the following random subjects:
- The accurate expiration date on a dozen eggs you purchased at the grocery store.
- The real hidden fees on your TV and internet cable bill.
- How many barrels of crude oil we are pumping out of the ground in this country – the USA – compared to the same number three or four years ago, and how that actually impacts vehicle gasoline prices.
- Where a politician’s stance really is on issues like social security, the second amendment, freedom of expression, and taxes.
What was Jesus Talking About?
Knowing the truth about these kinds of things can certainly help you make better decisions. It could even free you up to choose a different carton of eggs, to go with a different cable plan, and shrug off gas prices. It could help you better understand what the popular news outlets are saying (and what they’re not saying), or even change the way you vote. But the question still stands… What did Jesus mean by what He said?
In this passage of Scripture that is so often quoted, Jesus is speaking to some people who believe in Him:
“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” – John 8:31-32
Jesus was talking About a Different Way of Living…
Jesus was talking about a concept much deeper than what most people expect. More than just knowing some random facts that may impact our lives. Facts and data can be important. But Jesus is talking about a deep truth that changes who we are at the core.
It can send us into a different direction in life. A great way of thinking about this is that it sets us on a higher plane of living. It is the key to having real wisdom, peace, and fulfillment that will stand the test of time. Put simply, it is believing in and following Jesus.
This Way of Living will Set You Free…
Believing in Jesus and following Him, truly having that as a focal point in your life, will set you free. Free to live a better and more fulfilling life. Free to know what it means to grow in relationship with God and understand your circumstances the way He sees them. Free to discover who you really are and develop as a happier person. Free to experience the blessings that God has planned for you. And free to help others do the same.
In the next post I will be going deeper into transformative truth, what it can mean for us, how we can help others understand the truth that Jesus was talking about, and what difference it makes…
In the mean time, learn how to understand the Bible better, subscribe to my YouTube channel, hit me up on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and find more resources here.
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