If you are a Christian and you look to the Bible for help in living the good life, you may still be missing out. Some level of emptiness, longing, and disappointment in life can be real—for all of us, even Christians. What’s the answer? Being intentional about growing in relationship with God.
Praying Will Grow Our Relationship with God
And a Growing Relationship with God Is the Key to Having a Truly Good Life
Praying is talking with God like we’re having a conversation with Him. Don’t make things too complicated. As believers—those of us who have turned to God, put our faith in His Son Jesus Christ, and have the Holy Spirit inside of us—we are part of the family of God. And this means we have the opportunity and privilege to come to God in prayer. We know that He hears us when we pray, and that He cares about what we say.
When to Pray for Maximum Impact
I recommend praying in the morning, or whenever the beginning of the day is. Since some people do shiftwork, this can vary. The main thing is to do it at the start of whatever our day looks like. This helps us to align ourselves with God as we go through the day. Also, pray throughout the day, and pray before going to bed. In fact, I have heard it said that we should live a praying life. What would that look like? Constant conversation and contact with God.
Prayer Changes Things
Here are a few examples:
The Bible says: “. . . A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit” (James 5:16-18). Elijah, an Old Testament prophet, prayed that it would not rain. And it happened. Then he prayed that it would rain. And it happened again, just the way he prayed. The obvious application here is that praying can make things happen.
Also, when God’s anger burned against the people for making an idol and worshiping it, Moses prayed. And God changed things. Moses was a leader of the people of Israel, and he wrote the first five books of the Bible. The Bible says this:
“Therefore He said that He would destroy them, If Moses, His chosen one, had not stood in the gap before Him, To turn away His wrath from destroying them.” — Psalm 106:23
There are many other examples in the Bible and in the lives of people living in the world today where prayer has changed things. In fact, prayer is changing things every day! And developing a closer relationship with God through prayer is one of the greatest opportunities and privileges that we have as believers. It helps us to live the good life in just the way He intended. Why? Because we are more aligned with God and His ways—that impacts how and what kind of life we live.
Reading the Bible Will Also Grow Our Relationship with God
Reading the Bible is another way to develop a closer relationship with God. This is obvious since the Bible is God’s Word. The more we read it, the more we learn about God, His ways, and His intentions for how we should live. That’s why if we want to live the good life, we need to be reading the Word. I recommend reading the Bible at the start of the day, after taking some time talking with God in prayer. You can find more information on getting the most out of reading and studying the Bible here.
A Final Thought
There are many ways to come closer to God, but praying and reading the Bible are two baseline activities that have no substitutes. And doing both will grow your relationship with God. The results of doing this will be amazing for you.
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