Hi, I’m Nelson Briggs
The goal of this ministry is to help you find real hope in Jesus Christ, to know God at a deeper level, and grow your faith. When this happens, you will have the best life possible, now and forever…
Nelson Briggs Evangelistic Association is spreading the truth of God’s Word around the whole world, changing the lives of real people…


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Inspiring preaching and teaching from the truth of God’s Word, the Bible, communicated in clear, accurate, and relevant ways…

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Check out encouraging and accurate teaching from God’s Word, applied in practical ways…
The Truth About the Truth, Part 3
Knowing the truth is more than just knowing facts and data. It is true that knowing accurate information about a variety of subjects…
The Truth About the Truth, Part 2
Knowing the truth will set you free. And with our understanding of truth being set squarely in the realm of believing in Jesus—from…
The Truth About the Truth
Truth is great! And knowing the truth will always help you to make better informed decisions. Whatever it is or what subject you…
Learn more about the Bible
Two major sections, 66 individual writings, the Bible was written by people who were moved by God over thousands of years, every piece of it linked by the common truth that God loves you, absolutely accurate in what it says, and much more…
Find God’s plan for your life…
Nelson Briggs Evangelistic Associaton is taking the message of the Gospel to the whole world: God is real, He loves us, and God’s Son Jesus Christ has made it possible for each of us to know God and be in relationship with Him. When this happens, the door is opened to real peace, happiness, purpose, and fulfillment in life. In the good times and the bad! Building your life on a solid foundation. A new way of looking at things, more wisdom, making better decisions, knowing God’s will, getting real help when you need it, and so much more…
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